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Pokemon Soul Silver [US]

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Game ID: IPGE-2D5118CA

Max Cash (Press L+R)
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b2111880 00000000
00000088 000f423f
d2000000 00000000

Reset Game Time (Press L+R+SELECT)
94000130 fcfb0000
62111880 00000000
b2111880 00000000
10000096 00000000
10000098 00000000
d2000000 00000000

Max Mom Savings (Press L+R)
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b2111880 00000000
0000c0e8 000f423f
d2000000 00000000


Restore Health (Press START)
94000130 fff70000
62111880 00000000
b2111880 00000000
10049e60 000003e8
10049e64 000003e8
d2000000 00000000

1 Hit Kills Pokemon (Press SELECT)
94000130 fffb0000
62111880 00000000
b2111880 00000000
10049f20 00000001
10049f24 00000001
d2000000 00000000

Easy Captures
92247612 00002801
12247612 00004280
d2000000 00000000

Can Capture Trainer Pokemon
9224670a 00002101
1224670a 00002100
d2000000 00000000


Normal Experience From Battle (Press: R+START)
94000130 fef70000
1206fada 00000068
1206fb2e 0000e03c
0206fb30 07808960
1206fb44 00000f85
d2000000 00000000

Double Experience From Battle (Press R+SELECT)
94000130 fefb0104
1206fada 0000006c
1206fb2e 00002002
0206fb30 e03a4345
1206fb44 00008965
d2000000 00000000

10x Experience From Battle (Press R+B)
94000130 fefd0102
1206fada 0000006c
1206fb2e 0000200a
0206fb30 e03a4345
1206fb44 00008965
d2000000 00000000

100x Experience From Battle (Press R+A)
94000130 fefe0101
1206fada 0000006c
1206fb2e 00002064
0206fb30 e03a4345
1206fb44 00008965
d2000000 00000000

200x Experience From Battle (Press: R)
94000130 feff0100
1206fada 0000006c
1206fb2e 000020c8
0206fb30 e03a4345
1206fb44 00008965
d2000000 00000000


No Random Encounters (Outside)
a4000130 fffc0000
62111880 00000000
b2111880 00000000
20025a54 00000000
d2000000 00000000

Hold B+A While Walking for Encounter (Outside)
94000130 fffc0000
62111880 00000000
b2111880 00000000
20025a54 000000ff
d2000000 00000000


900x All Normal Items in Pocket (Press L+R)
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b2111880 00000000
d5000000 00000384
c0000000 000000a1
d7000000 00000656
dc000000 00000002
d2000000 00000000
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b2111880 00000000
10000708 00000087
1000070c 00000088
d5000000 00000044
c0000000 0000002c
d7000000 00000654
d4000000 00000001
dc000000 00000002
d2000000 00000000
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b2111880 00000000
d5000000 000000d5
c0000000 00000072
d7000000 00000710
dc000000 00000002
d4000000 00000001
d2000000 00000000

900x All Medical Items in Pocket (Press L+R)
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b2111880 00000000
d5000000 03840011
c0000000 00000025
d6000000 00000b74
d4000000 00000001
d2000000 00000000

900x All Berries in Pocket (Press L+R)
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b2111880 00000000
d5000000 03840095
c0000000 0000003f
d6000000 00000c14
d4000000 00000001
d2000000 00000000

900x All Pokeballs in Pocket (Press L+R)
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b2111880 00000000
d5000000 00000384
c0000000 00000017
d7000000 00000d16
dc000000 00000002
d2000000 00000000
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b2111880 00000000
d5000000 00000001
c0000000 0000000f
d7000000 00000d14
d4000000 00000001
dc000000 00000002
d2000000 00000000
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b2111880 00000000
d5000000 000001ec
c0000000 00000007
d7000000 00000d54
d4000000 00000001
dc000000 00000002
d2000000 00000000

900x All Battle Items in Pocket (Press L+R)
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b2111880 00000000
d5000000 03840037
c0000000 0000000e
d6000000 00000d74
d4000000 00000001
d2000000 00000000

All Accessories (Press L+R)
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b2111880 00000000
20003f92 00000009
00003f94 ffffffff
20003f98 0000007f
d5000000 00000099
c0000000 0000001d
d8000000 00003f74
d2000000 00000000

99x Red Apricorns (Press L+R)
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b2111880 00000000
2000e568 00000063
d2000000 00000000

99x Yellow Apricorns (Press L+R)
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b2111880 00000000
2000e569 00000063
d2000000 00000000

99x Blue Apricorns (Press L+R)
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b2111880 00000000
2000e56a 00000063
d2000000 00000000

99x Green Apricorns (Press L+R)
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b2111880 00000000
2000e56b 00000063
d2000000 00000000

99x Pink Apricorns (Press L+R)
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b2111880 00000000
2000e56c 00000063
d2000000 00000000

99x White Apricorns (Press L+R)
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b2111880 00000000
2000e56d 00000063
d2000000 00000000

99x Black Apricorns (Press L+R)
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b2111880 00000000
2000e56e 00000063
d2000000 00000000


All PokeGear Upgrades (Press L+R)
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b2111880 00000000
2000baf7 00000006
d2000000 00000000

Complete Phonebook (Press L+R)
94000130 fcff0000
62111880 00000000
b2111880 00000000
d5000000 00000000
c0000000 0000004a
d8000000 0000c0fc
d4000000 00000001
d2000000 00000000
d0000000 00000000


Color Theme 2
62111880 00000000
b2111880 00000000
2000baf6 00000004
d2000000 00000000

Color Theme 3
62111880 00000000
b2111880 00000000
2000baf6 00000008
d2000000 00000000

Color Theme 4
62111880 00000000
b2111880 00000000
2000baf6 0000000c
d2000000 00000000

Color Theme 5
62111880 00000000
b2111880 00000000
2000baf6 00000010
d2000000 00000000

Color Theme 6
62111880 00000000
b2111880 00000000
2000baf6 00000014
d2000000 00000000

Shiny mod (Hold L)
5206E128 4284FE81
E2000108 00000060
021D15A8 41C64E6D
00006073 02111880
E92D40F0 E51F0010
E5900000 E1D018B4
E1D028B6 E0217002
E1A071A7 E51F1034
E51F2034 E51F3034
E5910000 E0243290
E0253294 E0246005
E1A069A6 E1560007
11A00004 1AFFFFF8
E5810000 E8BD80F0
1206E116 0000F792
E206E118 00000010
F7B1E800 1C05FE13
FE10F7B1 43050400
0206E128 E0001C28
D0000000 00000000


Complete Badges (Select+Up)
94000130 FFBB0000
62111880 00000000
B2111880 00000000
2000008E 000000FF
20000093 000000FF
D2000000 00000000

Remove Badges (Select+Down)
94000130 FF7B0000
62111880 00000000
B2111880 00000000
2000008E 00000000
20000093 00000000
D2000000 00000000

Game Play Time 0:00:00 (Select)
94000130 FFFB0000
62111880 00000000
B2111880 00000000
10000096 00000000
10000098 00000000
D2000000 00000000

Pokewalker Watts Count 9999999 (Select)
94000130 FFFB0000
62111880 00000000
B2111880 00000000
0000E718 0098967F
D2000000 00000000

Able To Recollect PKMN Egg From Professor Oak (L+R)
94000130 FCFF0000
62111880 00000000
B2111880 00000000
20001056 00000001
D2000000 00000000

Use Alternate Forms on Wi-Fi
9220139E 00002870
1220139E 000028FF
D2000000 00000000
922013EC 0000217B
122013EC 0000217C
D2000000 00000000
92201420 000001DF
12201420 000001EE
D2000000 00000000

Secret ID Finder (Start+Select)
Changes Money into SID, press Start + Select.
94000130 FFF30000
62111880 00000000
B2111880 00000000
DA000000 00000086
D7000000 00000088
D2000000 00000000

Menu shows TRAINER instead of name for Trainer Card
220000FF 00000000
520269DC 8822806A
020269DC FB90F7D9
E20000FC 0000004C
00000000 8822806A
480AB4EB D10F4560
05092120 200131FF
4298780B 7008D002
88224C05 38010400
D1014290 70082000
4770BCEB 020B89C8
02000138 013C013E
0133012B 012F0138
FFFF013C 00000000
D2000000 00000000

Toggle Running Shoes (B)
Might have to hold B for a bit depending on your flashcard
5225A41C 46C02000
0225A41C 43C02000
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFFD0002
5225A41C 43C02000
0225A41C FF02F5CA
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFFD0000
5225A41C FF02F5CA
0225A41C 46C02000
D2000000 00000000

All PokeWalker Course (Select)
94000130 FFFB0000
62111880 00000000
B2111880 00000000
0000E71C 07FFFFFF
D2000000 00000000

Infinite 3rd gen starters from Steven Stone at Sylphe Co. (Start+Select) :
94000130 FFF30000
B2111880 00000000
20001054 00000003
DA000000 00001102
D3000000 00000000
D7000000 02000010
A2000010 FF7F0000
D4000000 0000FF80
B211187E 00000000
D7000000 00001102
D2000000 00000000

Infinite 2nd Gen starters at Prof. Elm's lab (Start+Select) :
94000130 FFF30000
B2111880 00000000
DA000000 000010E0
D3000000 00000000
D7000000 02000010
A2000010 FBFF0000
D4000000 0000FC00
B211187E 00000000
D7000000 000010E0
D2000000 00000000

Always Rain
who knows what might happens? Its for Dear PokeFreak64
020004F0 4B435546
020004F4 45444F43
020004F8 41455453
020004FC 0052454C
02000500 30662101
02000504 F0528001
12000508 0000FDF5
9203B98C 00003066
0203B98C FDB8F7C4
D2000000 00000000

Battle The Pokemon You Want

Use Either Hold L/R for Encounter

[L+R] You get 493 Master Ball and 100 Ultra Ball then Hold L for Encounter
Master Ball Equal to PKMN Index Number, Ultra Ball equal to PKMN level ! Discard the quantity you desired to meet repsective PKMN and level. Hold L for Encounter
94000130 FCFF0000
62111880 00000000
B2111880 00000000
00000D14 01ED0001
00000D18 00640002
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FDFF0000
62111880 00000000
B2111880 00000000
DA000000 00000D16
C0000000 00000027
D7000000 00025A68
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FDFF0000
62111880 00000000
B2111880 00000000
DB000000 00000D1A
C0000000 0000000B
D8000000 00025A5C
D2000000 00000000

[L+R] You get 493 Master Ball and then Hold L for Encounter
Master Ball Equal to PKMN Index Number! Discard the quantity you desired to meet repsective PKMN. Hold L for Encounter. Level is Free Flow
94000130 FCFF0000
62111880 00000000
B2111880 00000000
00000D14 01ED0001
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FDFF0000
62111880 00000000
B2111880 00000000
DA000000 00000D16
C0000000 00000027
D7000000 00025A68
D2000000 00000000

[L+R] You get 493 Master Ball and 100 Ultra Ball then Hold R for Encounter
Master Ball Equal to PKMN Index Number, Ultra Ball equal to PKMN level ! Discard the quantity you desired to meet repsective PKMN and level. Hold R for Encounter
94000130 FCFF0000
62111880 00000000
B2111880 00000000
00000D14 01ED0001
00000D18 00640002
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FEFF0000
62111880 00000000
B2111880 00000000
DA000000 00000D16
C0000000 00000027
D7000000 00025A68
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FEFF0000
62111880 00000000
B2111880 00000000
DB000000 00000D1A
C0000000 0000000B
D8000000 00025A5C
D2000000 00000000

[L+R] You get 493 Master Ball and then Hold R for Encounter
Master Ball Equal to PKMN Index Number! Discard the quantity you desired to meet repsective PKMN. Hold R for Encounter. Level is Free Flow
94000130 FCFF0000
62111880 00000000
B2111880 00000000
00000D14 01ED0001
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FEFF0000
62111880 00000000
B2111880 00000000
DA000000 00000D16
C0000000 00000027
D7000000 00025A68


Event Codes 1 + Items (L+R)
Activate the code before you go into the shop collect your gift from GreenMan

94000130 FCFF0000
62111880 00000000
B2111880 00000000
E0009E4C 00000104
00000001 00000001
3F4F14F1 00710000
D3A10824 710711C6
670FF90B 29CB3B09
7AB20993 295E15B6
11765369 EA14AF25
DDC151F8 8219459C
4F673188 7FC6C939
04758251 A2E0E4C9
DA6859F5 8C80A200
3DE70B70 93810AB4
4662A8B3 54DF8E01
21FB0DA6 EA09ED92
874C8972 2A5E7818
E4E63C15 27E66F25
D797D385 21161ABE
56097073 2CCEE277
F8EC48BB 6775D10E
239167DC 30D9C8CE
BE2C60CF 0C6E46C3
587617BC C7D144E4
38FDB749 E7D924CF
32A6F794 CFF4D26D
3E473D30 400450C4
03E95B04 7F0EE49A
7DB6D3D6 653A1E86
8762A9F8 00000000
00004000 00000000
00000000 00000000
D2000000 00000000

Unlock Edge of the Night's Sky Course on PokeWalker
94000130 FCFF0000
62111880 00000000
B2111880 00000000
E0009E4C 00000104
00020001 00000001
00000001 53F10000
DC68369C B5610420
C5C1AB1F 05123687
3B88197C DB96892A
FEB748E0 6A909AEB
DDD83396 DC2C7736
30BBB73A 3626B9D8
83D61AA5 C6CE099F
9402641E 1430E3DE
25261D00 E7BC7784
5FE66955 1DA56A1F
985DDD33 AB896096
0EB70954 F22F0D62
DB75E0B5 C22F799F
67A2B8A0 F2F3CE22
B6B879FA 37B64AF7
DE460C22 92F95736
22317837 D4E459C1
82413E98 FF91B194
3CD5D027 02E7D2AB
9924107D D7934469
742B3167 A857A728
138B2BCE 26D8ABF6
975673D6 C1B333EB
D8372D49 062303D5
474E9945 00000000
00004000 00000000
D2000000 00000000
D2000000 00000000


  1. these codes are awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. i like these codes

  3. hey thanks! these really help!

  4. these codes work!!!!!!! thanks!!!!!

  5. Most of the Pokemon Soul Silver work, like the medicine and pokeball ones. Also, number 14 does too. Thanks, I've been looking for an experience multiplier AR code for hours.

  6. Thank you so much the exp multipliers are a godsend! Though for some reason when my pokemon level up they sometimes get huge spurts of defense. My magnemite (now a Magneton)gained 17 defense stat points!?!

    Largest collection of Ar codes for HG and SS on the net

  8. can u put the walk through the walls code??
    these codes really helped me thanks!!!

  9. Can you put the code call quick egg hatch.this will help me thanks!!!!!

  10. the berries code for me doesn't work am i doing anything wrong? is there a certain place that i should press L+R like for example i pressed L+R while going into my mother's house to get a whole bunch of money out of my savings.

  11. really dont need most al ready have em

  12. If you update your AR you automatically get these exact same codes....

  13. god bless u man it works great i copied all the codes and all of them work

  14. guys this is on (the action replay "headquarters")

  15. Are you sure the multipiers work cuz all the other websites i've tried have all been junk?

  16. The best Website!

  17. What about all TM/HMs?

  18. Holy Crap!!!! Thanks a ton for these codes man!!!! Now I can easily level up my team and take them online!!

  19. Yea as for the EXP codes, on the 2nd-3rd use, your pokemon usually get giant spurts of Defense and max out your EVs of defense. I wonder if its possible to modify this so you can make to ANY stat change? THAT would be insane.

  20. Yeah that would be awesome. Lolz My Pidgeotto got giant spurts of defense :P Would you get into trouble battling online once you've cheated?

  21. I used the 200X EXP for Lugia and after the first few levels it got 32 Defense!!

  22. Thnx a bunches!!! Hey find me on I'm VeveRouce


  23. I wish there was one where you could "do" Nurse Joy. LOL

  24. i want more codes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that are use full like a legit kyogre for silver


  26. hey just thought i would add this all seal code

    94000130 ffbb0000
    62111880 00000000
    b2111880 00000000
    c0000000 00000013
    00004e30 63636363
    dc000000 00000004
    d2000000 00000000

  27. hey is the a code where you can get all the key items if so could u post it please

  28. for those who cant get these codes right , its probably user error

  29. I need a code for all seals that works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not from that annonymous dude!

  30. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  31. fuck the accesories code y want the real code please

  32. heres another amazing one for U.S.

  33. Wat is the all key items code?

  34. do you have the code for unlimited game coins pleaso cus i want stuff

  35. well im 12 so wat im unlinited game coins guy

  36. im 12 i really want the code

  37. I want some HM/TM...

  38. who puts the codes for u cus im a slow typer game coin guy

  39. I really want an eevee but I can't find any codes, before I lost my old action replay on Pearl I could hold select and whatever pokemon u wanted would appear (thats how i got all 100 legendaries) but I can't find an eevee code 4 Soulsilver!! DX DX DX

  40. oops- all LEVEL 100 legendaries '-_-

  41. What does the mareep code unlock?

  42. Hello im waiting wat dus the mareep code unlock

  43. a mareep dumbass

  44. celebi event works! it goes to the first open spot in your pc

  45. Yur A dumbASS LOSER

  46. Yur A DUMBASS wasting YUR life reading these comments!!! And a loser

  47. go to golden rod city for evee from bill go up then left from the pokemon center

  48. GAY FAGGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  49. Look who's talking why are you here anyway then.......thx the codes are da bomb [•]_[•]

  50. Ya all my bitches know!

  51. Honestly the people that come on here and tell us we have no lives are Hypocrites... They have no lives because they sit home on the computer all day looking up pokemon, then attempting to make fun of us for not doing anything. Look in the mirror and think about it, your an idiot whoever said that were losers. I can almost guarantee that whoever said it will say something back to me, proving my point

  52. ooh u got served! I know everyone makes fun of us! hey people Be happy that we even give u guys codes Cus we could just Delete all of this so SHUT UP and Just read the codes! This is the respect I get 4 giving u guys the Event Shaymin CODE On page 2 Ha who was saying DUS ANY ONE HAVE A EVENT SHAYMIN CODE! HA I thought u couldn't sink no lower!


  54. best codes you rock dude, and by the way could you post the codes for 999 master balls and 999 rare candies please, if you can it would be a great help, and by the way u rock please dont forget my advice bye:)

  55. here u go its me 900x All Medical Items in Pocket (Press L+R)
    94000130 fcff0000
    62111880 00000000
    b2111880 00000000
    d5000000 03840011
    c0000000 00000025
    d6000000 00000b74
    d4000000 00000001
    d2000000 00000000 900x All Pokeballs in Pocket (Press L+R)
    94000130 fcff0000
    62111880 00000000
    b2111880 00000000
    d5000000 00000384
    c0000000 00000017
    d7000000 00000d16
    dc000000 00000002
    d2000000 00000000
    94000130 fcff0000
    62111880 00000000
    b2111880 00000000
    d5000000 00000001
    c0000000 0000000f
    d7000000 00000d14
    d4000000 00000001
    dc000000 00000002
    d2000000 00000000
    94000130 fcff0000
    62111880 00000000
    b2111880 00000000
    d5000000 000001ec
    c0000000 00000007
    d7000000 00000d54
    d4000000 00000001
    dc000000 00000002
    d2000000 00000000

  56. Dont worry they work I tested them

  57. i used my masterball how do i get 999x masterballs now?

  58. got a slight prob i used the hm tm code got them all and used surf but to get to cinawood i need surf already have it but need to get it from the guy in eureka city well where you get surf from but he cant give it to me can you help me out as in to reverse the tm hm code

  59. why cant i find any action replay codes for wild legendaries like mew to pop up in heartgold? any answers. and if any sites please leave a link

  60. use the pokemon modifier

  61. guy with the hm problem start a new game and get the tm only cheat because the 5 gym the ladie next to the gym will give you fly and it will say that you a full bag too bad and the ladie will keep asking you till you take it

  62. i feel bad for guy with tm hm problem

  63. i need a code for all seals and how to activate it please ive looked for hours T_T

  64. i have a shiny pokemon code and a pokemon modifier code

  65. for the seal code posted above press L+R up and start + select, 7930 seals, you might not have to press all those butttons but it worked for me :D hope it helps


  67. need legendary pokemon cheat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  68. hey its me who posted the Event Shaymin code here is all event Legendary pokemon code press and hold L+R they will be in box 18 first 13 slots I think 94000130 FCFF0000 B2111880 00000000 E00219C0 00000010 0139012C 01220142 FFFF0129 00E200E2 100219D0 0000FFFF E0020710 00000088 EF7128EA 83C70000 6BD09A98 8A5F8B1B 5E13459D 86829FB4 45E9BE86 9C39216A 30A62C92 9DDFDA54 5201185E F6F40236 CB55B6D9 C7199C37 0AB6681A 8A460247 ACBB329E E27970CA 289B789F E2BF157D E5873696 D3F2AD32 92CC446B 91D6A864 1867D1A3 6C2B5D71 D4B87E71 949D0AD8 E7C29342 CEF1E1D9 2BE7E093 90B5E455 40BE4409 AE92C7AF E0020798 00000088 450E8DEA 50FC0000 50E4B686 86E41818 4A0FE6A5 A402230E 26A4DB0E DC38E675 F6EA3159 2B0BF3C8 31A1C4F6 0E53D2B8 5942FE55 37766796 68DA0D03 11D86A05 B332C87B 8F1AC0D1 7AEC2A7C 897B3BB7 F7DB2336 9B06C29E 9A436248 C1652AB9 E534140A 57B8CAEF 22CBE84E 3EF16118 D9896DF3 A81FCFB1 714C1630 8E22B3C6 729A2C09 03BC28A3 E0020820 00000088 93ED03E0 81130000 4B5ECF3C 223337DD A47B5082 A2C21390 D14ACD42 71DB918F E16603E5 9AEE3EC4 A5A0F58F 80333651 47DE9A25 D3154194 8D978577 C804B7AF B4F3434C A9EA9157 7D87EAAE 95E484F1 92565FF1 8F7B2618 BD7049FC 9224F7C0 4B79409E 24FDA178 C0D18E08 3D5CB8F8 01400DC0 6FDC7CF9 31F8C35B E1B99333 B03E790E B176718D E00208A8 00000088 6FB4EDE9 E8D30000 B12FEC94 45812D8B 3428F4A2 CDF0EFF5 855CDF3C 30A39AE2 EB11DA68 054D3434 396B1264 F0DA7328 7CC6A5FD F39F5174 83A554ED 905A04A5 5A6A369E 92B99FBC 361E25E6 0C5E5E16 436B79F5 2A8C28B7 A7B6C737 0E851F06 DF98AE76 530E48FB 35B2BBD0 DC1BA3F5 DD46A0DB 16E4F69F E89DA186 E2A065AF B4E16B52 5C0473DB E0020930 00000088 27AB9361 DC6B0000 0027E9B3 439A1520 CB7AE73F F7587C21 41468EA6 75959337 58DEE5DC D1496EAE EF8AD097 0FB583CF 35F115C6 513CF434 7DE0ED3D 79000BAC 859DA20B E30B4E8E CC19893E AA5A33A1 ACBE8CB3 7436305B F7995A86 8359D01F 2107720E DFB28304 1252D6C4 7AE9B2E7 F9CC35CC 329841C3 98D3FD03 A17BABD5 41C1FF60 66EDDB23 E00209B8 00000088 E1451735 DE910000 28B53894 A45C2282 F3E1E44B 8C05D6F7 C1517296 938EBF43 AB18A316 EE6DE81A 8F0DBAE6 64E4CDDD 3C61632E C1C99AB3 C50D0AF5 F0CA8A77 FA580571 E80B27D5 FF0F81DE 5A471AC5 29D0CD81 3A7A717C 76A18508 C964ED19 DCECA531 3E9BCC10 06F061D7 EE313DF4 F2CB078B CE47E01E 7835375E BF93A6D5 1A917516 EBCFA620 D2000000 00000000

  69. If anybody's here I'm looking for a fairly short code for a deoxys

  70. ok. watevr. the anonymus dude who said he/she spent all this time 2 give us codes. bull crap man. u got these off of Code Junkies. they all match. ur juz tryin 2 claim them. i swear get a brain nd read wat u say. cuz some of u r a buncha stoopid asses

  71. Wow you dont even know how to spell stupid.Look in the mirror pal because your the stupid ass!

  72. does anyone know a code 4 dialga & palkia short and not with L my L buton doesnt work

  73. ya go to a different page u dumbass ur so stupid

  74. Fuck You!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  75. "Wow you dont even know how to spell stupid.Look in the mirror pal because your the stupid ass!"

    Big words coming from a guy who can't utilize commas and apostrophes.

  76. Why would I do that its a waste of time it doesnt really matter does it! what are You a Teacher Cry me a river DORK!!!

  77. does the all normal items give the blue orb

  78. HA HA HA HA yur so funny!!!

  79. This works I have tested it myself.
    Activate by pressing L and R together.
    It will replace the FIRST pokemon in your party.
    After you catch the Groudon in the Embedded Cave in Soul Silver,
    use this code to get the matching Kyogre from Heart Gold.
    Show them both to Prof Oak and he will give you the Jade Orb,
    which will allow you to meet Rayquaza in the Embedded Tower.
    Looks legit with a legit abilties list, not shiny

    94000130 FCFF0000
    B2111880 00000000
    E00000A8 000000EC
    7A935241 AC8C0000
    9A29345A BA9DEE01
    CA6AA4A4 271B66B6
    C234BB10 AB25C95E
    560009C2 46E2A7B3
    2BC06B8A 5FAC988B
    102C26FB 7AA7936D
    E3D648C3 267B3CF3
    A7266D19 30232257
    F1CEE7C9 55991D26
    E65BED8C 8FF33FFB
    2824DF73 DEF83A2C
    D4684D73 76FECEEA
    14F9AB13 D448D4CF
    01A3335C 058FC567
    0876B43F BD1EFCEA
    ACAE9F73 894B3193
    1E883310 C66DD68D
    6F9498C0 1AC33A93
    4EC2F961 0B57C97C
    640AFD05 1F483A32
    038D7BBC 099E8333
    86BA644E B1A76D4C
    8B19A205 793DDB8E
    9F7574A9 7681CB52
    36AEDA26 94C6507D
    F3CDEE6C D0D01205
    A3586596 043E0AB3
    75E8844D F443922A
    4FF73A6E 00000000
    D2000000 00000000

  80. i used a code to get all hm's but i cant get passed that one dude when u leave olivine city and go to cinawood. how do u cancel surf from the action replay code

  81. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  82. cancel surf ummm I don't think there is a code for that.

  83. Hey its me who posted the Event Shaymin code here is a Ability modifier code I've already tested this code, and it works 100%! Since you're asking about wonder guard in specific, change the "XX" to "19" 52067638 E0EE0EC4
    0206763c 88809800
    02067640 0FC40740
    94000130 FFF30000
    0206763c 47004800
    02067640 02000101
    D2000000 00000000
    62000100 402E1C26
    E2000100 00000018
    736820XX 88809800
    0F440740 2C004D01
    472846C0 02067645
    D2000000 00000000 To use it, simply press start+select while the desired pokemon's summary is loading. (E.G. Hit summary and when the screen is blacked out hold start+select) Afterwards, you'll notice that there have been no changes. Back out of the summary and re-enter again, (click summary again). You don't have to press start+select again, just view the summary. Then, notice how the effect changed to wonder guard. So plain and simple, pick the desired pokemon (any!), and view their summary, hold start+select, and back out and re-enter. Enjoy your new wonder guard pokemon!

    Here are some other special effects you may want. Once again, just change the "XX" to any two numbers of the effect that you want. 01 = Stench
    02 = Drizzle
    03 = Speed Boost
    04 = Battle Armour
    05 = Sturdy
    06 = Damp
    07 = Limber
    08 = Sand Veil
    09 = Static
    0A = Volt Absorb
    0B = Water Absorb
    0C = Oblivious
    0D = Cloud Nine
    0E = Compoundeyes
    0F = Insomnia
    10 = Color Change
    11 = Immunity
    12 = Flash Fire
    13 = Shield Dust
    14 = Own Tempo
    15 = Suction Cups
    16 = Intimidate
    17 = Shadow Tag
    18 = Rough Skin
    19 = Wonder Guard
    1A = Levitate
    1B = Effect Spore
    1C = Synchronize
    1D = Clear Body
    1E = Natural Cure
    1F = Lightningrod
    20 = Serene Grace
    21 = Swift Swim
    22 = Chlorophyll
    23 = Illuminate
    24 = Trace
    25 = Huge Power
    26 = Poison Point
    27 = Inner Focus
    28 = Magma Armour
    29 = Water Veil
    2A = Magnet Pull
    2B = Soundproof
    2C = Rain Dish
    2D = Sand Stream
    2E = Pressure
    2F = Thick Fat
    30 = Early Bird
    31 = Flame Body
    32 = Run Away
    33 = Keen Eye
    34 = Hyper Cutter
    35 = Pickup
    36 = Truant
    37 = Hustle
    38 = Cute Charm
    39 = Plus
    3A = Minus
    3B = Forecast
    3C = Sticky Hold
    3D = Shed Skin
    3E = Guts
    3F = Marvel Scale
    40 = Liquid Ooze
    41 = Overgrow
    42 = Blaze
    43 = Torrent
    44 = Swarm
    45 = Rock Head
    46 = Drought
    47 = Arena Trap
    48 = Vital Spirit
    49 = White Smoke
    4A = Pure Power
    4B = Shell Armour
    4C = Air Lock
    4D = Tangled Feet
    4E = Motor Drive
    4F = Rivalry
    50 = Steadfast
    51 = Snow Cloak
    52 = Gluttony
    53 = Anger Point
    54 = Unburden
    55 = Heatproof
    56 = Simple
    57 = Dry Skin
    58 = Download
    59 = Iron Fist
    5A = Poison Heal
    5B = Adaptability
    5C = Skill Link
    5D = Hydration
    5E = Solar Power
    5F = Quick Feet
    60 = Normalize
    61 = Sniper
    62 = Magic Guard
    63 = No Guard
    64 = Stall
    65 = Technician
    66 = Leaf Guard
    67 = Klutz
    68 = Mold Breaker
    69 = Super Luck
    6A = Aftermath
    6B = Anticipation
    6C = Forewarn
    6D = Unaware
    6E = Tinted Lens
    6F = Filter
    70 = Slow Start
    71 = Scrappy
    72 = Storm Drain
    73 = Ice Body
    74 = Solid Rock
    75 = Snow Warning
    76 = Honey Gather
    77 = Frisk
    78 = Reckless
    79 = Multitype
    7A = Flower Gift
    7B = Bad Dreams

  84. Dude, that code didn't work.
    Is that for the Japanese version, or can I just not have other codes on at the same time?

  85. i love the exp multipliers but i dont use becuase it makes it less fun in my opinion

  86. There is no page two.

  87. is it the english version?

  88. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  89. U suck dude u cant complete it u need action replay codes to get pokemon like Celebi,Mew,Deoyxs,Arceus,Ect... and plus u dont rock loser!!!

  90. Yeah im sorry I found out that the Abilty code doesnt work I got it from some dude on the guy told me it worked what a DORK ha he is a loser wasting his life posting fake codes and is laughing that our Ds is getting messed up!!! so y dont he turn off his computer and get a life!! he's probably some 33 year old loser still at home living with his mom.

  91. Deoxys anyone? thats all im looking for

  92. Tnxs For the codes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  93. i so need a very,very,very short ar code for the celibe pokemon event on HG . Anyone got one?

  94. yah right you fuckin suck bitch you can suck my hary dick so no i didnt need an action replay i needed to transfer so just shut up to the one thats the 5th one up >:(

  95. wow way 2 be immature guys...pokemon is a fun game and just because people play does not mean that we are losers. and your the dumbass for using such derogitory words you need to shut up and grow up. btw y the hell r u even on the site if u hate pokemon so damn much? answer that.

  96. this is the best web site on the web for codes. i got a million codes just try them all them work:52067638 E0EE0EC4
    0206763c 88809800
    02067640 0FC40740
    94000130 FFF30000
    0206763c 47004800
    02067640 02000101
    D2000000 00000000
    62000100 402E1C26
    E2000100 00000018
    736820XX 88809800
    0F440740 2C004D01
    472846C0 02067645
    D2000000 00000000

  97. wrong thing its this:

  98. ALL except the item codes SUCK!!!!!

  99. does anyone have a code that maxes out EV stats??

    EX: 252 speed
    252 attack

  100. ya all need to jist get over the fact no matter how much you try you'll never be as good as you think you are.

  101. Remove All TM and HM v1

    94000130 FFBB0000
    62111880 00000000
    B2111880 00000000
    D5000000 00000000
    C0000000 00000063
    D6000000 000009B0
    D2000000 00000000

    Press Select+Up. Use Version 2 if Version 1 doesn't work.

    Remove All TM and HM v2

    94000130 FFBB0000
    62111880 00000000
    B2111880 00000000
    D5000000 00000000
    C0000000 00000067
    D6000000 000009B0
    D2000000 00000000

    Press Select+Up.

    All Key Items (HGSS)

    94000130 FFBB0000
    62111880 00000000
    B2111880 00000000
    D5000000 000101AD
    C0000000 00000031
    D6000000 000008E8
    D4000000 00000001
    D2000000 00000000

    Press Select+Up. Using Key Item codes CAN mess up your game. Use at your own risk.

    All Key Items (DPPtHGSS)

    94000130 FFBB0000
    62111880 00000000
    B2111880 00000000
    E00008E8 000000C8
    000101B2 000101B3
    000101B5 000101BD
    000101BE 000101BF
    000101C2 000101C8
    000101D1 000101D2
    000101D3 000101D4
    000101D5 000101D6
    000101D7 000101D8
    000101D9 000101DA
    000101DB 000101DC
    000101DD 000101DE
    000101DF 000101E0
    000101E1 000101E2
    000101E3 000101E4
    000101F5 000101F6
    000101F7 000101F8
    00010214 00010215
    00010216 00010217
    00010218 000101AF
    000101B0 000101BB
    000101BC 000101F4
    D2000000 00000000

    Press Select+Up. Using Key Item codes CAN mess up your game. Use at your own risk.

    If you hate pokemon then don't post here, This is for fun nothing more.
    There is no reason for all this spam and cursing.

  102. You sir, are awesome. I finally have found a working Shiny code!

  103. I believe the ability modifier code works only for Pearl/Diamond. =(

  104. are these japan or U S cause the 900x of all pokeballs did not work :(

  105. short code for 999x heart scale's ?
    short code for 999x master ball's ?
    short code for 999x exp share's?

    has anyone post it here thanx

  106. short code for 999x rare candy's ?

  107. i need a life i am 22 an d living with my mom

  108. naw ur good i kid u not my boyfriends brother will still be living with his parents till he's 40 my boyfriend backed me up on this...ur good. just take ur time to find what your good at and what you want to do, your ma will understand...besides 22 aint that old...

  109. i ahve a code for celebi it worked awesomely. its for platinum thou. you need the watch calculator app. this is really importent you multiply celebis dex # by 1 get the answer, hit the clear button at the same time as tapping the L button but dont hold the L button, then u subtract 10 from 21 hit the equal button and at the same time as pressing the clear button tap the R button DO NOT HOLD!!! and make sure your in a patch or grass hold the SELECT button while walking u should encounter celebi. it works for any pokemon. dont do any # over the max dex # or ull f it up.

  110. all pokebals 900X

    94000130 fcff0000
    62111880 00000000
    b2111880 00000000
    d5000000 00000384
    c0000000 00000017
    d7000000 00000d16
    dc000000 00000002
    d2000000 00000000
    94000130 fcff0000
    62111880 00000000
    b2111880 00000000
    d5000000 00000001
    c0000000 0000000f
    d7000000 00000d14
    d4000000 00000001
    dc000000 00000002
    d2000000 00000000
    94000130 fcff0000
    62111880 00000000
    b2111880 00000000
    d5000000 000001ec
    c0000000 00000007
    d7000000 00000d54
    d4000000 00000001
    dc000000 00000002
    d2000000 00000000

  111. hey try this code all legendaries in box level 100 and shiny!!!!
    94000130 fcff000
    361f0000 0000000
    c0000000 0000002
    01520000 8514cdaa
    fffc0001 11028566
    f12c625d 12c58001
    00000000 00000000
    2547001f 0201fc00
    00000000 00000000
    cc000000 00000001
    c0000000 00000000
    d0000000 00000007
    d2000000 00000000

  112. IS there a code to change a traded pokemon's nickname? i cant find one.

  113. Mew
    52247d8c 582000c0
    12247d8a 00004801
    02247d8c e0021c39
    02247d90 00000097
    d2000000 00000000

  114. is there a code for all legendary pokemon at lv. 100 and shiny, A CODE THAT WORKS!!!

  115. lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalal... lallaalalalalalalal... bananananananananana fone!!!!!!!! yummy yumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyum yah yah ayahahahahahahahahah lol

  116. does anyone know a code for max money that doesn't include pressing L+R to activate? my L key is temperamental. maybe if the cheat required, for example, you to press select instead? that'd be awesome if anyone could do this for me.

  117. i found a great shiny v2 code (v2 means eggs and gifts are shiny too 621d1584 00000000
    0206defc 47004800
    0206df00 02000001
    e2000000 0000003c
    6800480d 490b6840
    88011808 9c0d8842
    40510c24 20074061
    04244041 940d430c
    21001c28 f06eaa0d
    4801fea3 46c04700
    0206df05 000000dc
    021d1584 00000000
    d2000000 00000000

    hers the Pokemon modifier too
    Wild Pokemon Modifier v2

    94000130 FCFF0000
    62111880 00000000
    B2111880 00000000
    00000D14 01ED0001
    00000D18 00640002
    D2000000 00000000
    94000130 FDFF0000
    62111880 00000000
    B2111880 00000000
    DA000000 00000D16
    C0000000 00000027
    D7000000 00025A68
    D2000000 00000000
    94000130 FDFF0000
    62111880 00000000
    B2111880 00000000
    DB000000 00000D1A
    C0000000 0000000B
    D8000000 00025A5C
    D2000000 00000000

    Press L+R to receive 493 Master Balls and 100 Ultra Balls. Toss the amount of Master Balls until it is the same as the National Dex number of the Pokemon you want. Toss 100 Ultra Balls until it is the Level of the Pokemon you want. Then, hold L and encounter a Wild Pokemon.

    and here the awesome sight i found them on

  118. Instant 105 Battle Tower Wins: Press Select
    (Credits to M@T)

    94000130 FFFB0000
    021D2AFC 00690069
    D2000000 00000000

  119. 1 Shiny Stone: Press Select
    Pick up via Pokémart

    94000130 FFFB0000
    B2111880 00000000
    E0009E4C 00000104
    00000003 0000006B
    D2000000 00000000

  120. 94000130 FFFB0000
    62111880 00000000
    B2111880 00000000
    2000008F 00000XXX
    D2000000 0000000

    Replace XXX with desired value. The person you are playing with must be using either Heart Gold or Soul Silver. Press Select before entering Union/WiFi Room. List is below.

    1A9 = Ho-oh
    1AA = Lugia
    1AB = Radio Station Attendant
    1AC = Bulbasaur
    1AD = Ivysaur
    1AE = Venasaur
    1AF = Venasaur
    1B0 = Charmander
    1B1 = Charmeleon
    1B2 = Charizard
    1B3 = Squirtle
    1B4 = Wartortle
    1B5 = Blastoise
    1B6 = Caterpie
    1B7 = Metapod
    1B8 = Butterfree
    1B9 = Weedle
    1BA = Kakuna
    1BB = Beedrill
    1BC = Pidgey
    1BD = Pidgeotto
    1BE = Pidgeot
    1BF = Rattata
    1C0 = Ratticate
    1C1 = Spearow
    1C2 = Fearow
    1C3 = Ekans
    1C4 = Arbok
    1C5 = Pikachu
    1C6 = Pikachu
    1C7 = Raichu
    1C8 = Sandhsrew
    1C9 = Sandslash
    1CA = Nidoran Female
    1CB = Nidorina
    1CC = Nidoqueen
    1CD = Nidoran Male
    1CE = Nidorino
    1CF = Nidoking
    1D0 = Clefairy
    1D1 = Clefable
    1D2 = Vulpix
    1D3 = Ninetails
    1D4 = Jigglypuff
    1D5 = Wigglytuff
    1D6 = Zubat
    1D7 = Golbat
    1D8 = Oddish
    1D9 = Gloom
    1DA = Vileplume
    1DB = Paras
    1DC = Parasect
    1DD = Venonat
    1DE = Venomoth
    1DF = Diglett
    1E0 = Dugtrio
    1E1 = Meowth
    1E2 = Persian
    1E3 = Psyduck
    1E4 = Golduck
    1E5 = Mankey
    1E6 = Primape
    1E7 = Growlithe
    1E8 = Arcanine
    1E9 = Poliwag
    1EA = Poliwhirl
    1EB = Poliwrath
    1EC = Abra
    1ED = Kadabra
    1EE = Alakazam
    1EF = Machop
    1F0 = Machoke
    1F1 = Machamp
    1F2 = Bellsprout
    1F3 = Weepinbell
    1F4 = Victreebel
    1F5 = Tentacool
    1F6 = Tentacruel
    1F7 = Geodude
    1F8 = Graveler
    1F9 = Golem
    1FA = Ponyta
    1FB = Rapidash
    1FC = Slowpoke
    1FD = Slowbro
    1FE = Magnemite
    1FF = Magneton
    200 = Farfetch'd
    201 = Doduo
    202 = Dotrio
    203 = Seel
    204 = Dewgong
    205 = Grimer
    206 = Muk
    207 = Shellder
    208 = Cloyster
    209 = Ghastly
    20A = Haunter
    20B = Gengar
    20C = Onix
    20D = Drowzee
    20E = Hypno
    20F = Krabby
    210 = Kingler
    211 = Voltorb
    212 = Electrode
    213 = Exeggcute
    214 = Exeggutor
    215 = Cubone
    216 = Marowak
    217 = Hitmonlee
    218 = Hitmonchan
    219 = Lickitung
    21A = Koffing
    21B = Weezing
    21C = Rhyhorn
    21D = Rhydon
    21E = Chansey
    21F = Tangela
    220 = Kangaskhan
    221 = Horsea
    222 = Seadra
    223 = Goldeen
    224 = Seaking
    225 = Staryu
    226 = Starmie
    227 = Mr. Mime
    228 = Scyther
    229 = Jynx
    22A = Electabuzz
    22B = Magmar
    22C = Pinsir
    22D = Tauros
    22E = Magikarp
    22F = Gyarados
    230 = Lapras
    231 = Ditto
    232 = Eevee
    233 = Vaporeon
    234 = Jolteon
    235 = Flareon
    236 = Porygon
    237 = Omanyte
    238 = Omastar
    239 = Kabuto
    23A = Kabutops
    23B = Aerodactyl
    23C = Snorlax
    23D = Articuno
    23E = Zapdos
    23F = Moltres
    240 = Dratini
    241 = Dragonair
    242 = Dragonite
    243 = Mewtwo
    244 = Mew

  121. hey can any give me a event celebi usa code

  122. i love this camera angle code
    3D Normal621D10EC
    B21D10EC 00000000
    20001218 00000000
    D2000000 00000000

  123. re:does anyone know a code for max money that doesn't include pressing L+R to activate? my L key is temperamental. maybe if the cheat required, for example, you to press select instead? that'd be awesome if anyone could do this for me. heres code that needs you to press select

    ::Max Money (Select)
    94000130 FFFB0000
    62111880 00000000
    B2111880 00000000
    00000088 000F423F
    D2000000 00000000

  124. Please stop swearing people were supposed to be nice to each other

  125. Nature Modifier List Wrote:Male ~ Quiet = E2833043 E7843000
    Male ~ Bashful = E2833044 E7843000
    Male ~ Rash = E2833045 E7843000
    Male ~ Calm = E2833046 E7843000
    Male ~ Gentle = E2833047 E7843000
    Male ~ Sassy = E2833048 E7843000
    Male ~ Careful = E2833049 E7843000
    Male ~ Quirky = E283304A E7843000
    Male ~ Hardy = E283304B E7843000
    Male ~ Lonely = E283304C E7843000
    Male ~ Brave = E283304D E7843000
    Male ~ Adamant = E283304E E7843000
    Male ~ Naughty = E283304F E7843000
    Male ~ Bold = E2833050 E7843000
    Male ~ Docile = E2833051 E7843000
    Male ~ Relaxed = E2833052 E7843000
    Male ~ Impish = E2833053 E7843000
    Male ~ Lax = E2833054 E7843000
    Male ~ Timid = E2833055 E7843000
    Male ~ Hasty = E2833056 E7843000
    Male ~ Serious = E2833057 E7843000
    Male ~ Jolly = E2833058 E7843000
    Male ~ Naive = E2833059 E7843000
    Male ~ Modest = E283305A E7843000
    Male ~ Mild = E283305B E7843000
    Female ~ Quiet = E283302A E7843000
    Female ~ Bashful = E283302B E7843000
    Female ~ Rash = E283302C E7843000
    Female ~ Calm = E283302D E7843000
    Female ~ Gentle = E283302E E7843000
    Female ~ Sassy = E283302F E7843000
    Female ~ Careful = E2833030 E7843000
    Female ~ Quirky = E2833031 E7843000
    Female ~ Hardy = E2833032 E7843000
    Female ~ Lonely = E2833033 E7843000
    Female ~ Brave = E2833034 E7843000
    Female ~ Adamant = E2833035 E7843000
    Female ~ Naughty = E2833036 E7843000
    Female ~ Bold = E2833037 E7843000
    Female ~ Docile = E2833038 E7843000
    Female ~ Relaxed = E2833039 E7843000
    Female ~ Impish = E283303A E7843000
    Female ~ Lax = E283303B E7843000
    Female ~ Timid = E283303C E7843000
    Female ~ Hasty = E283303D E7843000
    Female ~ Serious = E283303E E7843000
    Female ~ Jolly = E283303F E7843000
    Female ~ Naive = E2833040 E7843000
    Female ~ Modest = E2833041 E7843000
    Female ~ Mild = E2833042 E7843000

  126. coconut ice cream roooooooooooooooooooooooooooocccccccccccccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkksssssssssssssssssssssss please tell me any problems tuseday is the last day ill be here for the week ill be back on thrusday

  127. i found a great shiny v2 code (v2 means eggs and gifts are shiny too 621d1584 00000000
    0206defc 47004800
    0206df00 02000001
    e2000000 0000003c
    6800480d 490b6840
    88011808 9c0d8842
    40510c24 20074061
    04244041 940d430c
    21001c28 f06eaa0d
    4801fea3 46c04700
    0206df05 000000dc
    021d1584 00000000
    d2000000 00000000

    hers the Pokemon modifier too
    Wild Pokemon Modifier v2

    94000130 FCFF0000
    62111880 00000000
    B2111880 00000000
    00000D14 01ED0001
    00000D18 00640002
    D2000000 00000000
    94000130 FDFF0000
    62111880 00000000
    B2111880 00000000
    DA000000 00000D16
    C0000000 00000027
    D7000000 00025A68
    D2000000 00000000
    94000130 FDFF0000
    62111880 00000000
    B2111880 00000000
    DB000000 00000D1A
    C0000000 0000000B
    D8000000 00025A5C
    D2000000 00000000

    Press L+R to receive 493 Master Balls and 100 Ultra Balls. Toss the amount of Master Balls until it is the same as the National Dex number of the Pokemon you want. Toss 100 Ultra Balls until it is the Level of the Pokemon you want. Then, hold L and encounter a Wild Pokemon.

    and here the awesome sight i found them on

  128. if you want a code ill try to get it to you as quick as possible

  129. i ask what the 8th gym leader in johto is

  130. i ask what the 8th gym leader in johto worst weakness is

  131. sorry for the bad grammar

  132. np the eight gym leader in johto weaknesses are dragon for the kindras and dragon and ice for the drangonairs and dartinis and drangonite if any

  133. to tommy can you get me the 99 black

  134. 99 black apricots for soulsilver

  135. are you europin or american

  136. 99x Black Apricorns (Press L+R)
    94000130 fcff0000
    62111880 00000000
    b2111880 00000000
    2000e56e 00000063
    d2000000 00000000
    heres your code super pow

  137. thanks a ton Tommy

  138. hey tommy can you be any more of a bitch

  139. hey you funkin ass tommy just helped me

  140. hey you guys dont swear

  141. soo you can funk your self and suck on your hairy dick aand ass darkrai and super pow can do the same and tommy can go be a bitch

  142. hey tommy i need a cheat to get the kanto map

  143. cant help you there

  144. hey can you get the shiny pokemon modifier code

  145. sure its actully two codes i found a great shiny v2 code (v2 means eggs and gifts are shiny too 621d1584 00000000
    0206defc 47004800
    0206df00 02000001
    e2000000 0000003c
    6800480d 490b6840
    88011808 9c0d8842
    40510c24 20074061
    04244041 940d430c
    21001c28 f06eaa0d
    4801fea3 46c04700
    0206df05 000000dc
    021d1584 00000000
    d2000000 00000000

    hers the Pokemon modifier too
    Wild Pokemon Modifier v2

    94000130 FCFF0000
    62111880 00000000
    B2111880 00000000
    00000D14 01ED0001
    00000D18 00640002
    D2000000 00000000
    94000130 FDFF0000
    62111880 00000000
    B2111880 00000000
    DA000000 00000D16
    C0000000 00000027
    D7000000 00025A68
    D2000000 00000000
    94000130 FDFF0000
    62111880 00000000
    B2111880 00000000
    DB000000 00000D1A
    C0000000 0000000B
    D8000000 00025A5C
    D2000000 00000000

    Press L+R to receive 493 Master Balls and 100 Ultra Balls. Toss the amount of Master Balls until it is the same as the National Dex number of the Pokemon you want. Toss 100 Ultra Balls until it is the Level of the Pokemon you want. Then, hold L and encounter a Wild Pok

  146. hey tommy do you have any pokemon can learn all tm codes

  147. 920722C6 0000D001
    120722C6 000046C0
    D2000000 00000000
    heres your code

  148. The pokegear codes destroy the kanto map help please

  149. the pokegear codes destoryed the kanto map how do i fix it?

  150. i need a asome sort code please

  151. can somebody do a eu code to get shiny legendary dogs event code

  152. is there anyone that has the shiny celebi that can get you the giovanni fight which also works for black and white? and is there a code that gets you shiny pokemon that don't stop being shiny once you get them if there isn't an AR going. So you catch them with AR code, then save...take action replay out...start...pokemon are still shiny??

  153. hey guys what code should i use to get a shiny chickorita from elm at the start of the game? thanks

  154. hey can someone make me a charmander level 5 with these exact moves.

    Fire punch
    thunder punch
    shadow claw

    thank you in advance

  155. Hi THIS IS THE CHEAT YOU WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    94000130 FFFB0000
    62111880 00000000
    B2111880 00000000
    000015FC 01010101
    00001560 FFFCC750
    10001564 0000FDFE
    00001308 10001FFF
    C0000000 0000000E
    000012CC FFFFFFFF
    DC000000 00000004
    D2000000 00000000
    94000130 FFFB0000
    62111880 00000000
    B2111880 00000000
    C0000000 0000000E
    0000130C FFFFFFFF
    DC000000 00000004
    D2000000 00000000
    94000130 FFFB0000
    62111880 00000000
    B2111880 00000000
    E0001348 000000A8
    32001FFF 70000000
    00000000 00000000
    08050000 00000000
    00000000 00000000
    00032000 00000000
    02000000 00000000
    08000000 90000000
    00800000 20000000
    00000080 7FFFFFFF
    7E7FF9E7 FF9C7EF7
    00000090 A2AC83FB
    E4E4FEFE 03020100
    07060504 0B0A0908
    0F0E0D0C 13121110
    17161514 1B1A1918
    D2000000 00000000
    94000130 FFFB0000
    62111880 00000000
    B2111880 00000000
    C0000000 000001EC
    2000140D 0000003F
    DC000000 00000001
    D2000000 00000000

  156. Hellow any one there?hellow ive asked twice.

  157. come on people.....dose any one have a code for a shiny mew on soul silver for U.S.useres?

  158. tommy? you there?

  159. can anyone please make an ability modifier for soul silver us version PLEASE :)

  160. 94000130 FCFF0300
    52073CF0 1E5B46C0
    12073CF0 0000C603
    D2000000 00000000
    94000130 FCFF0200
    52073CF0 1E5BC603
    12073CF0 000046C0
    D2000000 00000000

    pc clone code
    (hold r move pokemon to empthy space in the box then switch boxes release r the pokemon will be cloned)

    tested and works

  161. PKMN Champ:
    To the person who asked "can anyone please make an ability modifier for soul silver us version PLEASE :)" ,refer to the person who posted the code you want on June 3, 2010 at 2:27 PM.

  162. um i need a cheat for wild pokemon modifier

  163. Check out or

    for more up to date codes

  164. New pokemon action replay codes

    catching arceus

  165. anybody have a code for mew or celebi?

  166. Is there a way to get a code to let your pokemon go over lv. 100????????? It would be awesome to know. :D

  167. 7800045 1200000
    d200000 0000000

    there u go

  168. This is to walk through walls. It works for Heart Gold and will probably work for this.
    94000130 fcff0000
    1205daa2 00000200
    d2000000 00000000
    94000130 fcfd0100
    1205daa2 00001c20
    d2000000 00000000

  169. Because in a virtual world nothing matters stupid

  170. Is there a code for somebody in the union room with the pokemon

    event arceus
    event celebi
    and kyogre form heart gold???
    and please if you have it post it here

  171. is there away 2 b able 2 use a shiny code so that it doesnt freeze right b 4 i go into battle ive tried several codes and it freezes after every1. i just want a way so that i can use a shiny code.

  172. The x200 exp code made my level 1 arceus go to lv 100

  173. hey tommy do you have a code to make pokemon have a color difference?

  174. oh sorry 4 got to mention it has to be 4 soul silver

  175. oh and do you have a code to get a piplup egg (hehehehe) i cant find one anywhere !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  176. oh hey if any of you were wondering you can change your pokemon's nick name in lavender town just go in to the tent and have the old dude rate your pokemon's names and he will let you re-name them

  177. do you have a ditto piplup lover?

  178. you need an empoleon and ditto. then when you have both,go put them in the daycare.after a while they will say your pokemon had an egg. it will be a piplup


  180. I get you a code for a piplup egg shiny

    and do you mean shiny? lol

  181. my mom fucked m this morning it felt so great my name is kyle s


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