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Pokemon Platinum Codes part 2

Toys "R" Us Event Regigigas
Press L+R to activate.

94000130 FCFF0000
B2101D40 00000000
E00000B4 000000EC
C240B19F 41BD0000
E46DE8B7 9EAE103E
3EDC657C 3650A0C7
571FB9A4 97CCE569
4AB5C935 D9BD9F79
E886C37D 382FC1F8
4FB365D2 10389360
059219B9 A9B4E1BF
3A0F92CD 9163096A
8B140FD0 2224358C
937C9E92 6E526A5D
DD9F949A 10CD543E
89AFE1D9 1B669425
6CA38AA1 EA953A03
65BEBFF6 227882E4
8AD801A3 A57D6C50
9F00C612 F37B3626
657E2BA4 2ABE6726
8076B2CA B5047E8A
838E6AEE B522BE9E
F0559B69 75521FE3
D0A0AA19 4408F9B2
A0B180D6 7E455A37
6E6AD39A D11A4E9B
959CF584 4D357865
8AD77F51 0463DC32
BBC2588A C4B1571C
9F945CE0 58A597C5
2058DE60 00000000
D2000000 00000000

Max records L+R to activate
94000130 FCFF0000
B2101D40 00000000
00003CC8 000F423F
00003CD4 000F423F
00003CD8 000F423F
00003CCC 000F423F
00003CE0 000F423F
00003CE4 000F423F
00003CFC 000F423F
100068F4 0000270F
100068F6 0000270F
100068F8 0000270F
100068FA 0000270F
100068FC 0000270F
100068FE 0000270F
10006900 0000270F
10006902 0000270F
10006904 0000270F
10006906 0000270F
10007248 0000270F
D2000000 00000000

this will help if your l+r buttons stopped working
94000130 FFFE0000=A
94000130 FFFD0000=B
94000130 FFFB0000=Select
94000130 FFF70000=Start
94000130 FFEF0000=Right
94000130 FFDF0000=Left
94000130 FFBF0000=Up
94000130 FF7F0000=Down
94000130 FEFF0000=R
94000130 FDFF0000=L
94000136 FFFE0000=X
94000130 F7FF0000=Y
94000130 FEFD0000=A+R
94000130 FEFE0000=A+L
94000130 FFFC0000=A+B
94000130 FCFF0000=R+L
94000130 FFBB0000=Select+Up
94000130 FFF30000=Start+Select
94000130 FFDB0000=R+Select
94000130 FEFD0000=R+B
94000130 FDBF0000=L+Up
94000130 FD7F0000=L+Down
94000130 FFFB0000=L+R+Select
94000130 FEDF0000=R+Left

Pokemon can learn every TM (HM?)
02075908 00d400d4
0207590c 00d400d4
020759a4 e0044d00
020759a8 ffffffff

Player Mod
94000130 feff0000
62101d40 00000000
B2101d40 00000000
Da000000 00111d10
D7000000 0002388c
D2000000 00000000
Use your Poke calculator to modify your player's apperance and hold R while going into a house

POKEMON MODIFYER Hold SELECT while walking in grass. Xxx = 3 didgits of corrosponding Pokemon.

94000130 fffb0000
D5000000 00000xxx
B2101d40 00000000
C0000000 0000000b
D7000000 000233ec
Dc000000 00000006
D2000000 00000000

Articuno=090 Zapdos=091 Moltres=092 Mewtwo=096 Mew=097 Raikou=0f3 Entei=0f4 Suicune=0f5 Lugia=0f9 Ho-oh=0fa Celebi=0fb Regirock=179 Regice=17a Registeel=17b Latias=17c Latios=17d Kyogre=17e Groudon=17f Rayquaza=180 Jirachi=181 Deoxys=182 Rotom=1d4 Uxie=1e0 Mesprit=1e1 Azelf=1e2 Dialga=1e3 Palkia=1e4 Heatran=1e5 Regigigas=1e6 Giratina=1e7 Cresselia=1e8 Phione=1e9 Manaphy=1ea Darkrai=1eb Shaymin=1ec Arceus=1ed

Wild Pokemon are Lv.99 Can be used with Pokemon mod and shiny mod
Hold SELECT in grass

94000130 FFFB0000
D5000000 00000063
B2101D40 00000000
C0000000 0000000B
D7000000 000233E8
DC000000 00000000
D2000000 00000000

Shiny Mod

621bfaf0 00000000
02073e44 47004800
02073e48 02000001
E2000000 0000003c
6800480d 490b6840
88011808 9c0d8842
40510c24 20074061
04244041 940d430c
21001c28 f074aa0d
4801fe1b 46c04700
02073e4d 000000e4
021bfaf0 00000000
D2000000 00000000

Japanese Movie Event Arceus

This code is for the English version of Pokemon Platinum, once you transfer this Arceus to Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver it should allow you to access this hidden area where Shirona (Cynthia) is at and allow a Level 01 Dialga, Level 01 Palkia, or a Level 01 Giratina [of your choosing, only one of the 3 dragons can be hatched from an egg after your Arceus ues it's power on it].

94000130 FCFF0000
B2101D40 00000000
E0017E94 00000088
FA116C6B 808B0000
E537DC22 AF13F4DD
126927F9 34E49F3C
F9F1E998 16A94ED0
1A55E8A6 EAB521AD
1F120F85 185E9E72
9CD8F82E 840DEC98
7A527F1F B39428DC
1C645B51 B96F4AAE
3F0ACB47 958BD26F
95BBF035 BFD6F828
0B1D4475 B2AD8E03
0D3051C2 B01C04B3
CF78D888 5B133D38
945BEBDC F8176F2A
525D42CB 095206E3
4FDE0FB6 053E5C29
D2000000 00000000

Arecus will appear in Box 12, Japanese Name, Japanese OT

Pokemon Movie 09
ID Number: 07189

- Judgment
- Roar Of Time
- Spacial Rend
- Shadow Sneak

All poketech apps (L+R)

94000130 FCFF0000
B2101D40 00000000
20001175 00000019
E0001177 00000018
01010101 01010101
01010101 01010101
01010101 01010101
2000118F 00000001
D2000000 00000000

1 Hit KO-
94000130 fffb0000
621bfb0c 00000000
b21bfb0c 00000000
1000504c 00000001
d2000000 00000000

Max Cash-
94000130 fcff0000
62101d40 00000000
b2101d40 00000000
00000090 000f423f
d2000000 00000000

Keep an eye out for part 3


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