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Pokemon White [Japan] Part 2


Walk Through Walls,
Note: L+A to Enable. L+B to Disable.
94000130 FDFC0002
1216369A 00000200
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FDFD0000
1216369A 00001C20
D2000000 00000000

Rare Candies
Rare Candy 999, 1 to recover
02234624 03E70032

No Encounters, Push R for Instant Encounter
521A94D4 D1032800
121AA4D0 0000E001
D0000000 00000000
521A94D4 D1032800
94000130 FEFF0000
121AA4D0 000046C0
D2000000 00000000

100% Capture Ratio
521CAB14 E12FFF1C
121CBB14 000046C0
D0000000 00000000

Trainers Will Not Block Pokeballs
521CA8F0 98021C06
121CB8EC 000046C0
D0000000 00000000

Max Cash [L+R]
94000130 FCFF0000
0223CC2C 000F423F
D2000000 00000000

Rare Candies
02233E2C 03E70032

[SEL]All Recoveries x900
94000130 FFFB0000
D5000000 03840011
C0000000 00000025
D6000000 02234604
D4000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000

No battle ( R for fight )
521A94B4 D1032800
121AA4B0 0000E001
D0000000 00000000
521A94B4 D1032800
94000130 FEFF0000
121AA4B0 000046C0
D2000000 00000000

Pokemon Life recover ( Select )
94000130 FFFB0000
DA000000 022BED24
D7000000 0226D514
D7000000 022BED1E
D2000000 00000000

[SEL] All Berries x900
94000130 FFFB0000
C0000000 0000003F
122346C6 00000384
DC000000 00000004
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFFB0000
D5000000 00000095
C0000000 0000003F
D7000000 022346C4
D4000000 00000001
DC000000 00000002
D2000000 00000000

[SEL] All TM
94000130 FFFB0000
C0000000 0000005B
00000001 12234452
DC000000 00000005
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFFB0000
D5000000 00000148
C0000000 0000005B
D7000000 02234450
D4000000 00000001
DC000000 00000002
D2000000 00000000

[SEL] All HM
94000130 FFFB0000
C0000000 00000005
122345C2 00000001
DC000000 00000004
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFFB0000
D5000000 000001A4
C0000000 00000005
D7000000 022345C0
D4000000 00000001
DC000000 00000002
D2000000 00000000

EXP multiplier code

521D6D2C 46C0BDF8
121D7D2E 00002502
121D7D30 00004345
D0000000 00000000

521D6D2C 46C0BDF8
121D7D2E 00002504
121D7D30 00004345
D0000000 00000000

521D6D2C 46C0BDF8
121D7D2E 00002508
121D7D30 00004345
D0000000 00000000

521D6D2C 46C0BDF8
121D7D2E 00002510
121D7D30 00004345
D0000000 00000000

521D6D2C 46C0BDF8
121D7D2E 00002520
121D7D30 00004345
D0000000 00000000

521D6D2C 46C0BDF8
121D7D2E 00002540
121D7D30 00004345
D0000000 00000000

Disable No Exp AP
Credits to 2ch
52004EA4 E12FFF1E
E2004600 0000005C
E59F003C E5901000
E59F2038 E1510002
059F1034 05801008
05801148 059F102C
058010A8 058011E8
E59F0024 E5901000
E59F2020 E1510002
03A01001 05C0100A
E12FFF1E 02188084
E15F034F 36AAB337
36AAE06A 02180C80
28AAFF1F 00000000
D2000000 00000000

Pokemon 1 HP Never Decrease
9226D502 00FF0200
9226D506 00FF0200
6226D530 00000000
DA000000 0226D532
D7000000 0226D534
D7000000 0226D97A
D2000000 00000000

[SEL]Enemy PKMN 1 HP 1
9226D726 00FF0200
94000130 FFFB0000
1226D758 00000001
1226DBA0 00000001
D2000000 00000000

Pokemon 1 PP Never Decrease

Slot 1
9226D502 00FF0200
9226D506 00FF0200
6226D530 00000000
DB000000 0226D62B
D8000000 0226D62A
D8000000 0226D62F
D8000000 0226DA70
D8000000 0226DA75
D2000000 00000000

Slot 2
9226D502 00FF0200
9226D506 00FF0200
6226D530 00000000
DB000000 0226D639
D8000000 0226D638
D8000000 0226D63D
D8000000 0226DA7E
D8000000 0226DA83
D2000000 00000000

Slot 3
9226D502 00FF0200
9226D506 00FF0200
6226D530 00000000
DB000000 0226D647
D8000000 0226D646
D8000000 0226D64B
D8000000 0226DA8C
D8000000 0226DA91
D2000000 00000000

Slot 4
9226D502 00FF0200
9226D506 00FF0200
6226D530 00000000
DB000000 0226D655
D8000000 0226D654
D8000000 0226D659
D8000000 0226DA9A
D8000000 0226DA9F
D2000000 00000000

TM/HM Deleter During Battle
Activate the Code and It will Vanish After Battle

[SEL+Up]Slot 1
9226D502 00FF0200
9226D506 00FF0200
6226D530 00000000
94000130 FFBB0000
0226DA70 00000000
1226DA76 00000000
0226DA78 00000000
D2000000 00000000

[SEL+Right]Slot 2
9226D502 00FF0200
9226D506 00FF0200
6226D530 00000000
94000130 FFEB0000
1226DA7E 00000000
0226DA80 00000000
0226DA84 00000000
D2000000 00000000

[SEL+Down]Slot 3
9226D502 00FF0200
9226D506 00FF0200
6226D530 00000000
94000130 FF7B0000
1226DA8C 00000000
0226DA90 00000000
0226DA94 00000000
D2000000 00000000

[SEL+Left]Slot 4
9226D502 00FF0200
9226D506 00FF0200
6226D530 00000000
94000130 FFDB0000
1226DA9A 00000000
0226DA9C 00000000
0226DAA0 00000000
D2000000 00000000


  1. hey, i tried using these codes, but i get a black screen, im using a m3i zero. Is it because there is no (m) or am i doing something wrong. Plz help i really want the rare candies one

  2. you must have the m3 sakura 4.8

  3. i do, but still nothing works

  4. I have the R4 Wood Firmware 1.13 and it works great! :]

  5. could you maybe get a complete pokedex code. that would be realy helpful!

  6. idk if i put the codes in right, cause im new to using cheats on m3i zero, but i still cant make em work, i got m3 sakura with 4.8 game patch but still nothing works, just a black screen. HELP!

  7. You should be entering them something like this (at least this is how I do it on M3DS Real):

    !!!Pokemon White (J)
    !!IRAJ 4F2FDEC2

    !Misc Codes
    ::100 pc CAPTURE
    521CAB14 E12FFF1C
    121CBB14 000046C0
    D0000000 00000000

  8. Someone needs to make an EV/IV code, where you can check your EV/IVs.

  9. do i have to add the :: at the beggining and the ! as well?

  10. it doesnt work on my ds :'(

  11. i think these only work on emulator, works on mine.

  12. works fine with ttds

  13. anyone can make a usrcheat for wood r4 with these codes please

  14. wow whoever made these is an idiot my game just crashed from TMs......... wow maybe test these before you post them?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? moron.....

  15. you will no longer need the ev/iv cheat as there will be a guy in the game which allows you to check them.

  16. hey the code to catch the other trainers pkmns, when i try to catch the 2nd or 3rd pokemon it still just catching the 1sr then send out. why?

  17. "hey the code to catch the other trainers pkmns, when i try to catch the 2nd or 3rd pokemon it still just catching the 1sr then send out. why?
    B.G. "

    The game thinks its a wild pkm battle.

  18. help do these codes work on the new desmume

  19. movie celebi to zorua event (select+up)


    94000130 FFFB0000
    0221BE0C 5535D67A
    0221BE10 16CE0000
    0221BE14 B177C8EB
    0221BE18 7975B505
    0221BE1C B255F9C0
    0221BE20 426DD62F
    0221BE24 37DFAB49
    0221BE28 4D1A59F7
    0221BE2C AF29F952
    0221BE30 9E99AAA6
    0221BE34 C1A2F93E
    0221BE38 8F53459E
    0221BE3C 995E722D
    0221BE40 EC33556A
    0221BE44 1AF1CEDF
    0221BE48 24051593
    0221BE4C 7D4027B1
    0221BE50 19C1A90E
    0221BE54 67AF05AB
    0221BE58 76563DD3
    0221BE5C 5EBC6018
    0221BE60 EBA7837E
    0221BE64 A8D342AA
    0221BE68 F22AF112
    0221BE6C 7FF4966E
    0221BE70 1850A020
    0221BE74 28B4510E
    0221BE78 B9BCF45D
    0221BE7C 06F12850
    0221BE80 7AD819AA
    0221BE84 37957D19
    0221BE88 8B5361DA
    0221BE8C A9B6DA2C
    0221BE90 B7DF074B
    D2000000 00000000


    94000130 FFFB0000
    0221BE2C 5535D67A
    0221BE30 16CE0000
    0221BE34 B177C8EB
    0221BE38 7975B505
    0221BE3C B255F9C0
    0221BE40 426DD62F
    0221BE44 37DFAB49
    0221BE48 4D1A59F7
    0221BE4C AF29F952
    0221BE50 9E99AAA6
    0221BE54 C1A2F93E
    0221BE58 8F53459E
    0221BE5C 995E722D
    0221BE60 EC33556A
    0221BE64 1AF1CEDF
    0221BE68 24051593
    0221BE6C 7D4027B1
    0221BE70 19C1A90E
    0221BE74 67AF05AB
    0221BE78 76563DD3
    0221BE7C 5EBC6018
    0221BE80 EBA7837E
    0221BE84 A8D342AA
    0221BE88 F22AF112
    0221BE8C 7FF4966E
    0221BE90 1850A020
    0221BE94 28B4510E
    0221BE98 B9BCF45D
    0221BE9C 06F12850
    0221BEA0 7AD819AA
    0221BEA4 37957D19
    0221BEA8 8B5361DA
    0221BEAC A9B6DA2C
    0221BEB0 B7DF074B
    D2000000 00000000

    replaces 1st pokemon in 1st box.but this pokemon is lvl 100.

  20. movie shiny entei to zoroark event (select+up)


    94000130 FFFB0000
    0221BE0C 27A055B8
    0221BE10 B6F50000
    0221BE14 C830EE7E
    0221BE18 F600B6CB
    0221BE1C 4B2EBEB7
    0221BE20 12D30CF0
    0221BE24 F0880D36
    0221BE28 C8057BE5
    0221BE2C 74B4CACD
    0221BE30 FEC2949E
    0221BE34 E440DD50
    0221BE38 61740073
    0221BE3C 9915BB32
    0221BE40 A6B70F18
    0221BE44 DB3FAD5F
    0221BE48 BE444104
    0221BE4C F97005A8
    0221BE50 12D7F600
    0221BE54 2B702368
    0221BE58 B90FCA2C
    0221BE5C 2137A43A
    0221BE60 B452B8FA
    0221BE64 4F3E80D3
    0221BE68 D548F773
    0221BE6C 38F054E8
    0221BE70 A5543A2E
    0221BE74 D4EE35D7
    0221BE78 F6DA73D2
    0221BE7C FC412690
    0221BE80 9F17F64A
    0221BE84 EA559129
    0221BE88 A2576C81
    0221BE8C D78287C1
    0221BE90 F390FBF1
    D2000000 00000000


    94000130 FFFB0000
    0221BE2C 27A055B8
    0221BE30 B6F50000
    0221BE34 C830EE7E
    0221BE38 F600B6CB
    0221BE3C 4B2EBEB7
    0221BE40 12D30CF0
    0221BE44 F0880D36
    0221BE48 C8057BE5
    0221BE4C 74B4CACD
    0221BE50 FEC2949E
    0221BE54 E440DD50
    0221BE58 61740073
    0221BE5C 9915BB32
    0221BE60 A6B70F18
    0221BE64 DB3FAD5F
    0221BE68 BE444104
    0221BE6C F97005A8
    0221BE70 12D7F600
    0221BE74 2B702368
    0221BE78 B90FCA2C
    0221BE7C 2137A43A
    0221BE80 B452B8FA
    0221BE84 4F3E80D3
    0221BE88 D548F773
    0221BE8C 38F054E8
    0221BE90 A5543A2E
    0221BE94 D4EE35D7
    0221BE98 F6DA73D2
    0221BE9C FC412690
    0221BEA0 9F17F64A
    0221BEA4 EA559129
    0221BEA8 A2576C81
    0221BEAC D78287C1
    0221BEB0 F390FBF1
    D2000000 00000000

    replaces 1st pokemon in 1st box.but this pokemon is lvl 100.

  21. DO Any Of These codes work On DeSmuME?? Like Seriously In Need Off Help Here :/

  22. do they work on desmume if so how refuses to save codes to file

  23. does the codes at the top work on the desmume

  24. Do these work on ttds on my r4?

  25. they all work on desmume

  26. Why do in my nintendo ds the music is different than the official music(pokemon black and white) please help me to fix it.

  27. The code words for All TM, but my game freezes every time i click select. Anybody got an answer? I'm workin with DeSmume the newest version

  28. unkown rare egg
    (the pokemo that hatches from this egg is very rare and not obtainable anywhere else in this reigon. will take only a few steps to hatch, and it has a high shiny chance.
    94000130 FCFF0000
    E221C13C 00000088
    A607BC3C 81500000
    AC1D7B77 767B6055
    1FFC7700 2BA14B39
    83EEACD3 260D6E5A
    85FBB3DC 55B29CC2
    0E18517F A4318CA5
    458494D5 ED3B5A2F
    E8F02F10 70070B7D
    605133C0 D3E5008E
    678DA6E2 A7F3E2EE
    B428371C 137EC408
    93A19E95 6D544C3F
    8769570C 1D784B8C
    06C81B18 FD0055F6
    B7E94A5A 9B6B6E33
    33DDE1E4 9F057F98
    553CFEEC CF8FC84B
    D2000000 00000000
    l+r select, should apper in a box.

  29. ese truco me cago el juego

  30. thanks 4 the egg thing now i cant open my pc

  31. Can I have a Eevee code ?
    Wild or in the box, it does no matter but I want it !

  32. The TM code is not working. it freezes when i press select.

  33. thanks for the zorua code
    1 where do u go for the zoroark event
    2. could someone create a ability modifier for these games. several pokemon have negative abilities


  35. were do you go for the zorua event?

  36. the codes wont work on my cyclods evo

  37. hey when i put these on my Action Replay and than click start game(on my DSLite), it just goes to a white screen but never loads the game, as of right now my game has been fine, but im just wondering why it wont load the game, anybody have any answeres, i got the game code right cause it says "white" on the AR when i put White version in

  38. não tem códigos do evento zorua e zoroak que peguem no desume 0.9.6?

  39. none of them works on my desmume

  40. where to download pokemon white usa version
    i dont understand japan version please tell me

  41. if any one has a action replay code to allow banned pokemon to battle in the battle subway please show it here. i tried finding it myself but no luck, i play pokemon white so if any one finds or make it can put the version here. both would be nice to. =)


    Pokemon White And Black Download here works well and is what i say "mostly in english"
    Tell me if it works for you

  43. i need an action replay code for getting liberty ticket. anyone help?

  44. just use DeSmuMe... It works perfect.
    If you want a walktrough, here is the link:

    thanks to the web i almost complete my game even though it is in japanese

  45. Here is a code for a Wonder Guard Zoroark
    Lvl 100
    MOVES Dark pulse, Draco Meteor, Flamethreower and Psychic
    yes i did hack to achieve this
    WARNING!!! only have one weak pokemon in your party because it will overwrite them all. his stats are through the roof he is very very strong but he wont obey unless you have all 8 badges

    Pokemon White ONLY!!!

    94000130 FFBB0000
    02234830 00000001
    02234834 C3CDC448
    02234838 E7970000
    0223483C 8FF9439A
    02234840 8B676EB4
    02234844 52D9EDDE
    02234848 38115A23
    0223484C 92360C46
    02234850 057387BB
    02234854 D13C5760
    02234858 3AE87FAA
    0223485C 93262D19
    02234860 077EA134
    02234864 EF036680
    02234868 657DD4A5
    0223486C 2663745A
    02234870 1BE44743
    02234874 8F003CB7
    02234878 C9D8ECBF
    0223487C 092ABC67
    02234880 36684C45
    02234884 DDA24C07
    02234888 3C9778AE
    0223488C 9F794689
    02234890 EF95CD33
    02234894 BEDFAF38
    02234898 B86C9878
    0223489C F6A3C6CC
    022348A0 DECAB7A4
    022348A4 FBAB3886
    022348A8 029D2063
    022348AC 852FD1DE
    022348B0 3593BF3E
    022348B4 8D2E9664
    022348B8 B382950C
    022348BC C687281A
    022348C0 D185B65D
    022348C4 482A9F29
    022348C8 8C5375E6
    022348CC F79AE3A7
    022348D0 344D50E8
    022348D4 725BD9E1
    022348D8 56CD4C57
    022348DC 6B4370F5
    022348E0 6AC3E485
    022348E4 160E7F29
    022348E8 22238244
    022348EC 8FFC584B
    022348F0 2ACDB8AF
    022348F4 A1C3C879
    022348F8 A6BE2960
    022348FC 0D291BB1
    02234900 579B82C0
    02234904 71FA9B98
    02234908 E40E228D
    0223490C 793BE389
    D2000000 00000000

  46. the modifier wont work but i get twice 100 ultra balls & 649 master balls and i toss but when walk in the grassit shows the pokemon that in the route i am plz help

  47. pokemon modifier won't work, i get 100 ultra balls & 649 master balls and i toss but when walk in the grassit shows the pokemon that in the route....

    and the all tm code freezes my game when i press select......can you make it work or using an alternate key to activate?

  48. when i go to use the rare candy it says that it disappears D:

  49. you need to press select for pokemon modifier code

  50. right shift = select

    on desmume

  51. ke nadie abla en español 521D6D2C 46C0BDF8
    121D7D2E 00002504
    121D7D30 00004345
    D0000000 00000000
    experiencia por 50

  52. who nows the crash code for the no$gba

  53. Ok Here A Useful OneMake By Myself..
    Get Ready!
    94000130 FFFB0000
    02234830 00000006
    D2000000 00000000

    94000130 FFFE0000
    02234810 00000006
    D2000000 00000000

    Discover yourself The Pokemon

    OBS: Its a Shiny One :D

  54. How would you activate that code Soul?

  55. I tried the experience multiplier but none of them worked? Any ideas why?

  56. how to fix the rare candy dissapere and the pokemon modiyier because it only shows ultra balls in my bag i am using desume0.9.6

  57. the trainers dun block pokeball sux...i tried it make me caught the pokemon but i lost the game

  58. what's the generator?

  59. I need the action replay of the ticket to freedom for victini Evenden
    please if you have pasenmelo and I spent many I have to
    get any pokemon

  60. Awesome, thanks for sharing these. Looking forward to the game release in the US.

  61. hmmm... I tried putting in teh codes on DesMuMe but they won't work. Its not that it freezes my game, they just dont work... Is there any special master code or something im doing wrong?

  62. all of them work exec[t for the rely cool ones :/

  63. 4 u guys that spend like 10 min doing 1 code just copy and paste :)

  64. it works perfectly with desmume 0.9.6

  65. i put these codes in cheat code editor so i can put them on my R4I and none of the cheats are loading in the gam


  67. these all work for DeSmuME 0.9.6 x86 right? if so, what's the code of the pokemon encounter modifier? THANKS<3

  68. can anyone help me with the codes 2 allow banned pokemon in battle subway in poke black?

  69. heres one.tried and wrks...for zoroark
    d2000000 FDF0M100
    00000000 00000000
    d2500000 00000110
    000d2000 F10000F0

  70. ive got something wierd going on, if i use the rare candy or berry cheat, they show up in my tm menu and i cannot use them! it asks if i want to teach ----- to a pokemon?

    ps i use desmume 0.9.7


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